The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge

Disabled person

  • being one: even though this is a negative image of disrupted mental and emotional development, the unpleasant situation provides the opportunity to realize one's state and the dream can then show the path to successful healing.
  • seeing an acquaintance as a disabled person: a serious health problem (usually permanent) of this person; if the disabled person is apathetic to the dream's dynamic images, then this can be a foretelling of this person's death (more on abilities to recognize future events in the Past and Future Visions archetype).
  • unknown: if the figure of an unknown disabled person causes in the dreamer genuine and sincere compassion, only then does the dream disabled person fulfill his role from the unconscious perspective and the dreamer definitively gets rid of the image of himself (with disturbed psyche and emotions) in the recent past.
  • children: through the sex of the disabled child (boy or girl) the unconscious specifies the problem of unifying divided antithetical components of the consciousness (see Anima – Animus archetype)
  • wheelchair; sitting in a wheelchair: see Wheelchair.
  • with a hump: see Hump, humpback.