The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • always the instinctual animus or instinctual anima.
  • partner love: only in the initial period of being in love, in which a person surrenders himself in favor of another, can a relationship be called true emotion – love (this feeling brings many miracles that the Active Imagination archetype describes); after a short period there begins to be felt in a person's consciousness a feeling of attachment and a degradation of the purity of the feeling to an emotional fluctuation between the instinctual and emotional level (the predominance of one of these levels then determines the content of the consciousness).
  • an ill lover: the dreamer is gradually healing the strongest instinctual relations through his emotions.
  • the father of a lover (or of potential partners): expresses a negative character of the Father – Mother archetype and can represent a personification of the Shadow archetype.