The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • of a single extremity (usually a leg): while the unconscious can show men in this way the fear of sexual failure or fear of impotency, such a dream can also prepare women for her partner's possible failings.
  • both legs paralyzed: symbolizes the inability of the affected person to proceed through life; sometimes the unconscious uses this means to notify the dreamer in advance of the death of someone dear to him.
  • of the entire body: can occur with the clash of the instinctual consciousness with the spiritual level of consciousness; paralysis can be caused by both a being of a spiritual nature (e.g. an alien), or the very environment of the spiritual level.
  • of others: a warning of inner rigid views, dogmatism and lifeless thoughts.
  • as a consequence of syphilis: symbolizes a gross moral transgression.
  • see Immobility.