an antenna, receiver or transmitter: yields distinct improvement in the dreamer's communication with friends and family.
an alarm clock: unnecessary worries that everything is going too fast, that the dreamer won't manage it in time.
buildings apartments, houses: improving health of the owner or of one of the nearby inhabitants of this place.
a sensor: desire for specific information.
a means of transportation (car, bus, train, etc.): the dreamer's attempt to restart his own life journey.
a door: the need to separate oneself in the case of the danger of unpleasant images from the instinctual plane.
electricity: emotions pass from one person to another through the electrical wires and electrical equipment parts, and therefore repairing electrical equipment and wires symbolizes remedies made in the emotional realm.
a church: the construction of an emotional and spiritual life.
a bathroom: the dreamer is significantly working on the transubstantiation of the mind's content for the benefit of emotional perceptions and experiences.
a toilet: expresses the active attempt to restart the process of moral purification.
a washer: the dreamer is overcoming a minor crisis of emotional development and is once again directing his experience to the emotional level.
a locomotive: the dreamer is an active agent in building a strong will that will someday lead him through life.
skis or skiing equipment: symbolizes the desire to move more easily in a certain setting and in certain conditions, but the sexual effect of the symbol on the dreamer is intensified through this effort.
a ball: the dreamer returns the appropriate meaning to the unification process.
the bladder of a ball: the essence of fate or the process of unification; a crisis occurs if the dreamer is unable to repair the bladder.
a sled: symbolizes the desire to refill the consciousness with spiritual experiences.
a machine, machinery: this image represents the dreamer's attempt to strengthen relationships and sometimes even the processes within his own psyche.
a roof: symbolizes the dreamer's active attempt to protect the conscious mind from external influences.
water piping: expresses consciously bringing emotions to the dreamer's mind.
other objects: see individual symbols.
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This book also includes explanations of sexual symbols.
I am 18 years old or older (I'm adult).