The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge

Foreign land, foreigner

  • in traveling to a foreign country and meeting foreigners the unconscious urges the dreamer to understand unknown parts of his own self.
  • fighting with a foreigner: inconsistency, imbalance and unwillingness to know oneself leads to inner conflict, thus there is the need to soon reveal the futility of these conflicts and to recognize in the negative traits of foreigners one's side concealed beneath the surface of personality.
  • positive relations to foreigners, an attempt to advise them or make their stay easier: corresponds to proper development in the self-knowledge process.
  • the foreigner is often an alien (for more on the role of the alien in the very complicated self-improvement process see the archetype of UFO – Initiation Ceremonies).
  • sometimes the foreigner is a dark figure bearing bad traits: a shadow that needs to be assimilated; hatred and rejection is the worse thing that a person can do to himself (see Shadow archetype).