The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • seeing a rooster with hens: symbolizes the fight for the favor of women.
  • henhouse: this place of ignorance and instinctual images can also be an allegory of moral filth.
  • hens coming from the henhouse: ignorance and instincts entering the dreamer's mind.
  • hungry: see Hunger.
  • feeding: see Feeding.
  • hens with chickens: represents family happiness beyond which, however, the dreamer does not realize the negative traits linked to the symbol of the chicken and hen (see Chicken).
  • frozen (usually with chickens and sometimes even with a rooster): even the momentary ascension of the consciousness to the spiritual level manages to uproot from a person's mind the traits linked to these instinctual symbols and to the relaxed feeling of enlightenment to recognize the path to knowledge.
  • squawking after laying an egg: symbolizes the egotistical attempt to gain great praise for a little bit of work (just like the Indian proverb: "The turtle lays a thousand eggs and nobody knows about it. A hen lays one and makes quite a fuss about it.")
  • an egg pecked to pieces: someone in mutual relationships is preempting the dreamer and does not want to allow him to form other friendships, or a current partner relationship is not allowing the dreamer to further develop his being.
  • attacking a predator or person: expresses a lack of concentration, distractibility, excessive thoughts of an instinctual nature.
  • brood hen: the idea of family happiness beyond which, however, the dreamer does not realize the negative traits linked to the symbol of the chicken and hen, or a rooster.
  • accompanied by a cat and cow: the unconscious is very simply describing the three basic principles of instinctual anima in a single unit.
  • transforming into a person: a significant image that confirms that the dreamer's life is improving; the animalistic essence, ignorance and instincts are changing into an instinctual person that much better adapted to future assimilation.