The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • it should be realized that the heart in the unconscious and in dreams takes the form of a center of emotional and spiritual content rather than the function of the heart organ essential for life in the body and therefore is called the spiritual heart.
  • spiritual: in addition to its obvious content, we can even locate it in the body and sense it during internalization and recognize its rapid beat; the spiritual heart is located in the place where we instinctively point our finger when we say "I"; significant development that we can easily follow in dreams can be stimulated by meditative focus on this spot in waking consciousness (see Self archetype).
  • placing your hand on your heart or seeing this image: the path to spiritual content of the psyche.
  • an image, figure, feelings in a heart: symbolize that which we are closest to and which we have the most sincere relationship to.
  • feeling a boulder fall from your heart: one of the most beautiful human feelings when the dreamer subconsciously receives a message (through the unconscious) of accomplishing one of the most difficult tasks of his life.
  • if the dreamer wears his "heart on his sleeve," then he is wrapped in a beautiful feeling of human solidarity and personified traits that once attacked, will drop humbly at his feet.
  • on the path of self-improvement there is a need to soften the stubbornness of one's heart, to transform negative feelings and ideas into positive ones, to find humility so that we find the wisdom hidden in our heart far beyond reason; this quest for the wisdom of one's heart is often described by the allegory of an inner pilgrimmage for the grail; the hero's dream path must culminate with voluntary humility, death and departure from his past existence so that he can enter a new life (the discovery of an ideal world or of an ideal state of being).
  • the decision is made from the heart: such an image is the sign of an emotional person who places deep and sincere feeling over the calculating mind.
  • voice in the heart: see Voice.
  • fire or heat in the heart: see Fire.
  • light in the heart: expresses the soul's internal state and the lighting of a fire in a spiritual heart (see Self archetype).
  • pain in the heart: we bring it upon ourselves through egotistical acts, by harming other people and animals; the pain in the heart along with the ensuing internalization enables us to find compassion, and compassion helps eliminate pain in the heart.
  • heart shapes, drawn hearts: the dreamer's inner urge to leave the path of the ego and reason and to set out on a journey to emotional and spiritual content of one's heart.
  • oil flowing from the heart: spiritual contents of the psyche come from within; the life of the person from whom the oil flows from the heart will be a blessing for the human world.