The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • stove, radiator: emotional coldness; a cold stove tends to be a "magnet" for instinctual symbols and personifications so that the elimination of emotional coldness occurs (a state of emotional coldness is desirable only if the dreamer remains on the spiritual level throughout the dream).
  • boiler: the chance to start momentous changes within one's psyche.
  • soup: warm feelings cool down and preparations are gradually made for the fall to the instinctual level (thick soup) or, in the best case, ascension to the spiritual level (frozen soup).
  • water: an excellent way to "sober up" from instinctual desire, clearly leads to pure emotions; see Water.
  • forge furnace: the unconscious is alerting the dreamer to the need for internalization, meditation and concentration since these are attributes that light the inner fire needed for the transformation of the psyche.
  • cold-blooded animals: cold and inhuman aspects of instincts.
  • or icy hands: a spiritual factor (frost, coldness) considerably weakens the instinctual essence of the hands; sometimes a cold hand has the power to miraculously heal.
  • north wind: see Wind.
  • room, space: see Coldness, chill, cool.
  • unlike dream images, the perception of coldness does not always have to emanate from within the dreamer, since the senses, even in dreams, continue to receive external impulses, and therefore the unconscious is often forced to process the outer perception of coldness into occurring dream images – such a perception of coldness then does not bear any dream symbolism.
  • holds great importance in dreams as one of the antitheses (cold – hot).
  • the unconscious must constantly zigzag between the antitheses that we have bound our personal existence to, and thus the unconscious leads the dreamer through dreams to an awareness of the antitheses so that the ensuing questioning of the individual antitheses leads the dreamer to an awareness of the state of unity in which antitheses don't exist; this process leads to the future unification of antitheses in the Anima – Animus, Coniunctio, UFO – Initiation Ceremonies and Attentiveness archetypes; the Puer – Kora archetype speaks of antitheses and their influence on children.
  • cough and runny nose: precede or accompany sudden emotional changes, sometimes even an unexpected increase in sexual desire and the subsequent state of imbalance.
  • holds great importance in dreams as one of the antitheses (cold – hot) – see Antitheses.
  • unlike dream images, coldness does not always have to emanate from within the dreamer, since the senses, even in dreams, continue to receive external impulses, and therefore the unconscious is often forced to incorporate external coldness into occurring dream images – such coldness then does not carry any dream symbolism.
  • the unconscious must constantly zigzag between the antitheses that we have bound our personal existence to, and thus the unconscious leads the dreamer through dreams to an awareness of antitheses so that the ensuing questioning of the individual antitheses leads the dreamer to an awareness of the state of unity in which antitheses don't exist; this process leads to the future unification of antitheses in the Anima – Animus, Coniunctio, UFO – Initiation Ceremonies and Attentiveness archetypes; the Puer – Kora archetype speaks of antitheses and their influence on children.
  • feeling cold: the dreamer's feeling can warm up a person's soul and surrounding objects and therefore a feeling of physical coldness in a dream means emotional coldness (lack of emotion).
  • within a person: limits or stops the development of emotions in favor of spiritual views.
  • hardness and ability to resist cold: expresses the dreamer's ability to withstand the effects of the spiritual level (frost, snow, ice) or the border of the emotional level with the spiritual (ice water).