The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • the appearance of a vampire in a dream is the result of imbalance, a lack of concentration and restlessness, i.e. traits that will lead to a future crisis.
  • all negative traits linked to a vampire enter a being through the dream blood; the culmination of this dream image can be the transformation of a vampire into the creature whose blood he drank.
  • being the victim of a vampire or seeing such a victim: even though such an image can be frightening and painful, it is beneficial from an emotional and spiritual standpoint since the ego weakens with the loss of blood.
  • the vampire victim becomes a vampire: the dreamer could not bear the loss of his ego (sucked blood) and therefore tries urgently to replace the lack of his ego at the expense of others without realizing the tragedy of his actions, since all negative traits of his victim will now enter the dreamer.