The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • emotion flows through electric wires and electrical equipment from one person to another just like an electrical current from a power plant to the consumer.
  • a pole or pylon holding electrical wires or equipment: a phallic symbol linked to erotica and sexual relations.
  • an electrical wire symbolizes emotional obstacles that quite often prevent the smooth flight of the spiritual animal and spiritual animus that always, in clashing with electrical wires after an unpleasant emotional discharge, fall to earth and thus back to the emotional and instinctual level of experience.
  • electrical equipment: can represent the emotions of someone close to the dreamer.
  • electrical diagram: symbolizes mutual emotional ties and it is therefore good if we understand these dream diagrams.
  • electrical or storage heater: unlike conventional stoves, they do not burn instinctual symbols (e.g. firewood), but draw their energy from emotions and therefore symbolize as an electrical appliance one of the participants of interpersonal relations (usually of the dreamer).
  • inserting a plug into an electrical outlet: synonymous with intercourse and the ensuing relationship.
  • pulling out a plug from an electrical outlet: foretells of the end of a relationship.
  • switching on an appliance or electrical equipment: symbolizes the ability to switch on or off emotional experiences and to "adjust" mutual emotional relationships.
  • electric stove, electric hotplate: unlike conventional stoves, they do not supply energy from the burning of instinctual symbols (e.g. firewood or coal), but draw their energy from emotions and therefore symbolize as an electrical appliance one of the participants of interpersonal relations (usually of the dreamer).
  • automatic power hammer: tireless activity, repetitive movements and penetration symbolizes intercourse.
  • connecting a wire to equipment: establishing an emotional relationship with a certain person; if there is a shout, spark or electrical wound, this can be a warning against such a relationship.
  • switching off the electric current: abandoning the emotional level; the question is whether we are abandoning it upwards (e.g. through a flight of the active imagination*41), to the spiritual level or downwards to the darkness of the instinctual level.
  • shorting or grounding an electrical current, equipment, wire, cable: the dreamer will sever an emotional relationship with someone he knows.
  • fuses: see Fuses.
  • problems with the electrical power of a vacuum cleaner: problematic emotions of the dreamer with others postpones moral cleaning.
  • electrical, arc discharge: symbolizes the erotic and sexual realm of the human psyche; clearly shows emotions skipping from one person to another.
  • electric fence: symbolizes emotional obstacles that prevent emotional or spiritual development and degrade experiences to the instinctual level following an unpleasant emotional discharge.
  • repairing: the repair of electrical equipment and wiring symbolizes remedies in the emotional sphere.
  • measuring electrical parameters: related to emotions and mutual emotional ties.
  • electrical control panel: relates to the controlling principle of the dreamer's consciousness or, in a deeper meaning, is synonymous with the controlling role of the unconscious.
  • blackout in city: the dreamer is abandoning the emotional level (blackout) in his earthly life (city); the question is whether he is abandoning it upwards (e.g. flight of the active imagination) to a spiritual level, or downwards to the darkness of the instinctual level.