an unconventional way of briefly expressing the inner state of the dreamer's psyche and therefore often concerns the Numinosum*35 and Self archetypes; see Numinosum archetype and see Self archetype.
inner comprehension of geometry: an understanding beyond the intuitive comprehension of arithmetic and numerical relations.
geometric shapes in the sky: attest to a spontaneously achieved spiritual level (in depersonalization or in meditation) and frequently occur in dreams with alien civilizations (see UFO – Initiation Ceremonies archetype).
pictograms on the Earth's surface (usually in corn fields): the mere view of an unconscious numinous symbol*36, which a pictogram is, moves a person closer to knowledge so that (even without a complete understanding of the view) he understands in the pictograms Indian symbols of unity, forgotten Celtic or Teutonic symbols or symbols of Eastern nations (see Numinosum archetype).
trees growing in geometric shapes, or trees growing in precise rows: the dreamer's strong will has the power to engrave order even in the mind's unconscious instinctual content.
geometric shapes: the most frequent shapes in dreams include the square and circle, and less frequently the triangle, pentagon, hexagon (Star of David) and heptagon (ideogram of Emerald Tablets); if we add another dimension, then we "elevate" the triangle to a pyramid, the square to a cube, and the circle to a sphere; see the various geometric shapes in the individual symbols.
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This book also includes explanations of sexual symbols.
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