The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • heating water: the desire for a relationship's purity; see Water.
  • traditional: see Stove.
  • central: see Radiator.
  • electrical, storage heater: unlike conventional stoves, they do not burn instinctual symbols (e.g. firewood), but draw their energy from emotions and therefore symbolize as an electrical appliance one of the participants of interpersonal relations (usually of the dreamer).
  • electrical heating fan: limits the dreamer's emotional experience in favor of spiritual consciousness, since a warm and dry air current comes from the heating that resembles a warm breeze.
  • with paper: ridding oneself of unnecessary, predominantly instinctual thoughts.
  • with wood: a very positive symbol since it confirms the dreamer's attempt to liquidate that part of himself that is linked to the animality of nature.
  • with coal: this image symbolizes the dreamer's active attempt to eliminate the animalistic part of himself that is related to age-old karmic relations stemming from the Law of Karma*34.
  • frequent heating with paper, wood or coal: this testifies to the quality of the dreamer's work on himself.